Tuesday 7 May 2013

Active Listening - Michael Chun (11)

Active Listening

Do you ever find yourself speaking up too soon?

If so, how can you clear your mind to fully listen?
I can stay focus on the person who is talking and not be distracted.

Do you ever find yourself wanting to jump in because you are eager to share?

How can you channel your excitement into listening and wait for the proper opportunity to share?
I have to be patient and control my excitement. I can change my mindset to think that I will have my chance to share as long as I am patient.

What else can you do to prepare for conversations with others?
When they have finished talking, I should then think of what to talk about.

Can we ask them up front what they are looking for? (advice, a sounding board, solutions)
I feel that this is rude and shows that you are an impatient person. It will be better if you wait for them to finish talk about.

How does it make you feel to be cut off in the middle of your thought?
I will feel very irritated and angry as I am rudely interrupted.

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